直感的なビジュアルコードシステムGML Visualを使用して、学生にコーディングの基礎を教える。
強力なGML Codeコーディングで、ゲームデザインの可能性を探る。
GameMaker を使い、美しい2Dゲームをデザインしながら、プログラミングの基礎、チームワークの重要性、STEMスキルを身につけます。
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Desktop Exports |
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直感的なビジュアルコードシステムGML Visualを使用して、学生にコーディングの基礎を教える。
強力なGML Codeコーディングで、ゲームデザインの可能性を探る。
“Space Bubbles is good as it has structured content and there are good video tutorials that pupils enjoy dipping into.”
“[My students] love GameMaker. It’s empowering, it makes them feel like they can do something. Unlike other courses, they can see the results immediately, not have to wait until they are in the world of work.”
“GameMaker provides a wonderful opportunity for students to jump right into game design and development while learning valuable programming constructs.”
“ GameMaker makes it very easy to upload your own images and use them in your games. I would recommend this product to others who teach computer science.”
“GameMaker basically taught me how to make games.”
“GameMaker is an excellent programming tool for students that have moved past basic programming tools. What's unique and wonderful about GameMaker is games can be designed at many different skill levels.”
“Honestly, without GameMaker, I probably wouldn't even have gotten to the hobby stage of game development. It gave me an approachable way to get into game dev and realise my ideas, that I otherwise couldn't have.”