Vincente and Aaron are the duo behind platformer What Lies In The Multiverse, which follows the mutliversal-misadventures of a young boy and his mad...read_more
A brand new GameMaker template is now available to download: the tower defence game, Towers vs. Monsters!A horde of hungry zombies have risen from...read_more
Kippie is a company based out of Derry, Northern Ireland, headed by sisters Caroline Anderson and Katherine Rowlandson, together with Katherine’s wife, Justine. It...read_more
It's fair to say this game has created something of a buzz.APICO is a laid-back beekeeping sim game released in May 2022, created on the GameMaker engine. Ell (One...read_more
David Galindo has been a professional game developer for over 10 years, and is currently the head of Vertigo Gaming Inc. His popular series,...read_more
We’ve recently released some open-source extensions for GameMaker. Each extension’s source is available on GitHub for you to view, build, and contribute changes. Let’s...read_more
James Eaton and his partner-in-crime, Daniel, are the co-founders of Broxcorp Games. They’re first ever video game, Skies of Chaos, released exclusively on Netflix’s...read_more